Kirk Larkin

Program Director

A man with curly hair and a black sweater stands beside a house plant.Kirk Larkin, a native of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, has spent his life rooted in New England. In 2006, following a series of challenges with alcoholism and drug addiction, Kirk found himself in Portland, Maine. There, he encountered the Foundation House community, which offered him a refreshing perspective on recovery, emphasizing attraction over promotion. This approach sparked within Kirk a newfound motivation to engage fully in the journey of long-term recovery.

Since January 1st, 2006, Kirk has maintained his sobriety, becoming an active member of the Portland recovery community. Drawing from his personal experiences, he advocates strongly for the importance of long-term aftercare in the recovery process. Kirk firmly believes in the transformative power of community and meaningful connections, recognizing their ability to instill hope and foster inner peace.

Outside of his commitment to recovery advocacy, Kirk enjoys participating in competitive sports and engaging in physical exercise. He finds fulfillment in sharing his experiences with fellow individuals in recovery. Above all, Kirk finds purpose and joy in his role as a father to his son, Alessandro, considering fatherhood to be life’s greatest blessing.

In his reflection, Kirk embraces the wisdom that the fruit of silence is prayer, leading to faith, which blossoms into love. From love emerges a desire for service, ultimately yielding peace—an ethos that resonates deeply with his journey toward recovery and personal growth.

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