“He is in such a good place in his life”

I wanted to say thank you for all you have done for my son, Kurtis.

Kurtis is in such a good place in his life.  Kurtis absolutely loves his job and working for you as he believes so much in your vision/mission.

I realized this after he called us after your recent St. John service trip to tell us how happy he was working for Foundation House.  Kurtis said that he will have his future family give back to the communities they visit as well. 

After that conversation, I realized how much more grateful I am to you and the other members of the Foundation House team for helping Kurtis get to a place where he can imagine himself surrounded by a loving family that helps others.

Keep up the great work and know that there are people out there that are absolutely grateful for your dedication to making a difference in our kids’ lives.

Donne K.
Las Vegas, NV
Parent of Foundation House Resident 2018