Our Program

“To remember who you are, you must let go of who they told you to be.”
— Foundation House
Addicts often imagine a life of sobriety as lacking the adventure and thrill they were used to while in the thrall of drugs and alcohol. The Foundation House program is specifically designed to remove that stigma. We introduce residents to a life that surpasses their expectations by opening their minds to the rich opportunities found in sobriety.
Finding the right fit between the individual and their program of recovery is the first step to success. At Foundation House, we work with clients whose needs align with our core beliefs, clinical experience, physical environment and programmatic philosophy. Our unique blend of trust, freedom and support engages our residents in the process of healing and helps them rebuild their lives in a real-world setting.
“Foundation House is not a program, it’s an opportunity.”
— Foundation House Resident
Our typical length of stay varies from six months to one year, depending on a resident’s needs. During that time, we guide clients through the process of building a foundation for recovery, setting goals for the future, and preparing for a life of sober independence. Foundation House programming is designed to provide residents with a diverse platform of experiences and new habits that reinforce a fun and dignified life in sobriety.
Our program incorporates a fully licensed Intensive Outpatient Program. Clients receive a minimum of nine clinical hours each week through various groups, weekly individual therapy and 12 Step studies.
Our long list of offerings also includes gym memberships, yoga, cooking classes, holistic health lessons, a float spa, woodworking, travel, volunteer programs and sports leagues. We keep our residents busy, but surround their structured time with freedom and autonomy that allows them to feel uniquely trusted and an active part of their recovery process.

Each resident achieves personal goals in recovery differently and an individual’s treatment plan and timeline will depend on their own unique circumstances. After the initial six to nine weeks, residents begin to look for part or full-time work, enroll in local universities to pursue a degree, or simply re-enter their academic studies by taking a few classes. Our team assists in the process of finding a job, building a resume, enrolling in classes, and maintaining balance between these new activities and the primary goal of sustained sobriety.
By the end of a resident’s stay at Foundation House, he has found stability in daily life, is able to practice personal accountability and is equipped to begin a life of independence. Graduates begin to integrate into our Alumni Program and we assist in the process of finding housing in Portland, planning a move home, going back to school or transitioning to a step-down program of their choice.
It is essential that residents’ commitment to Foundation House be matched by our own. Every minute of every day is an opportunity to find a moment of impact and insight. From making the bed, to making amends – we are with them every step of the way.
This isn’t just our program, it’s our way of life.
The following is a commencement address delivered by Admiral William McRaven at his alma mater, the University of Texas at Austin. Admiral McRaven is credited for organizing and executing Operation Neptune Spear, the special ops raid that led to the death of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. Please enjoy his experience, strength and hope as he best summarizes exactly what we strive to teach our residents.