Special Surfers Service Project
It is difficult to put into words the experience our residents, and a handful of our staff members, had during a service session with Special Surfers. It was a night we won’t easily forget, and one that many of us desperately needed to have; to get out of ourselves through service to others. Special Surfers is a nonprofit organization that hosts an event every third Tuesday of the summer months. Their main goal is to help disabled youth learn how to surf, an activity they believe to be therapeutic and most importantly, fun. Numerous surf apparel companies participate lending surf boards and wet suits for both the children and volunteers. Every child was assigned two volunteers to help them get up on the waves. The two hours of surfing that ensued was one of the most chaotic and beautiful thing most of us had ever witnessed. Volunteers and children running around laughing, smiling, and cheering. Everywhere you looked kids found complete euphoria, with many of them latched on to our residents. After surfing for a couple hours, our volunteers were thrilled that they could assist the kids they were paired up with, with some standing up and riding waves to the beach. After the event our group went out for dinner for some post service fellowship – dinner and ice cream served an excellent way to cap off an unforgettable night.