The Foundation House Golf Scramble took place on June 15th and the weather could not have been any better! Residents, alumni, and staff traveled to Nonesuch Golf Course to play 18 holes of Scramble-style play. The teams were very well balanced, and the final scores were in a tight range of six strokes. The outcome of the tournament was a break-neck tie! The residents had an amazing afternoon enjoying the opportunity to play a game they struggled with, with staff and alumni captains there to help where needed.
Foundation House’s entry into the world of Portland athletics was a great success! Our team of alumni, residents and staff, without practicing together first, pulled together incredibly well and took home a close 9-8 victory in our first league game. The team’s performance was led by a few standouts: Operations Coordinator and alumnus Will “Hutch” Hutchinson with one goal and three assists, David B. (resident) with one goal and FIVE assists, and Todd B. (resident) with three goals!
Under the terrific bench coaching of Patrick (Owner, CEO) and Jen (Director of Operations) the team survived a late surge by our opponents to pull off the victory. Also, a great showing of 15 of our resident fans who came out to support the team’s entry into this competitive local league.
A group of our alumni ventured to the Carrabassett Region of the to volunteer with New England Maine Huts & Trails. They spent the weekend in the woods together performing service work, blazing new trails and cleaning up existing ones. Activities like these remind our esteemed alumnus what it means to give back – and most importantly to have fun in sobriety.
Our therapists and staff walk alongside our guys performing real-life therapy with every strike-out, homerun, dropped ball or touchdown. One of the benefits of an experiential approach is the opportunity for the clinician to observe a client in situations where the the focus is not on the therapy itself which allows for authentic responses and emotions to surface and be processed.
These annual journeys offer an incredible opportunity for our residents to experience fun and exploration in early recovery in ways they never thought possible. There is no journey greater, and no experience more eye opening than traveling internationally.
Every life lesson can be taught on the field, diamond, court or ice. Our therapists and staff play alongside our guys and coach our teams performing real-life therapy with every strike-out, homerun, dropped ball or touchdown.
Through their experience in the wilderness, residents learn the importance of cooperation, begin to trust and count on another, and create meaningful relationships – often for the first time.
The Foundation House Hockey League has quickly become a staple of our program. Every Monday night residents, alumni and staff gather at our restaurant for a pre-game dinner together before hitting the ice. Some of our guys are semi-pro players, others have never worn a pair of skates. Whether you have played your whole life, or never before; have years of sobriety or are still counting days – for 90 minutes every Monday night we play on the same ice.