Foxhole Curling
Check out the video from our Annual Foxhole Curling Tournament! “The Manitoba Tuckers” and the “Trolling Stones” tied in a nail biter – the final tying shot is pictured here at the end of the video! Enjoy!
Check out the video from our Annual Foxhole Curling Tournament! “The Manitoba Tuckers” and the “Trolling Stones” tied in a nail biter – the final tying shot is pictured here at the end of the video! Enjoy!
Check out this quick time-lapse of the completion of our brand new rock wall!
Check out a video of our guys on Peaks Island during a kayak expedition!
A quick video with some highlights from our Flag Football Championship game! This was one of the best Championship games we have ever had, an evenly matched game that came down to the wire. Congratulations to The Bedevilments on the win and to both teams for a hard fought game.
Traditional relapse prevention often fails to make the conceptual real. This short film was a project offered to one of our senior residents (now an alumnus) as a creative approach this issue that would not only have lasting impact, but would allow him to be active, creative and find passion in doing something that he loves. Richard was filmed facing a situation in which he had to choose between relapse and recovery. What plays out in the film is how Richard described his relapse might look allowing him to literally walk in his own footsteps and watch back what his life would inevitably become.
Some behind the scenes action from our Alumni Video Production “Play The Tape”. Staff share the story of how this video came to be and the intention behind it. Richard shares how the process of making this film helped him rediscover his passion for video production, allowed him to find a creative outlet, and forced him to come face-to-face with his hypothetical relapse.
During the Holiday season it can be easy to get caught up with all that we have to do and forget that there are people in Portland that need help. In an effort to give back to our community we loaded up the Foxhole truck with toys, clothes, and other goodies and handed them out around town. We visited the Preble Street Homeless Shelter, Maine Medical Center’s Children’s Hospital, the Maine Veteran’s Home and the Animal Refuge League.
Our Thanksgiving 2015 feast. Over 100 family members, residents and alumni gathered together in our restaurant and shared a holiday meal and an immense amount of gratitude on this day of thanks. Happy Thanksgiving!
Recently, a few of our residents traveled to the White Mountain National Forest, near the New Hampshire border, to complete a multi-day solo camping trip. Each residents spent 3 days alone in the woods focusing on various goals they set with their individual therapist before the trip.